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Check out the mosquito spraying schedule

The City of Myrtle Beach sprays to control the mosquito population... Below is our weekly mosquito spraying schedule!

Monday: 62nd Avenue North to Northern City Limits

Tuesday: 21st Avenue North to 62nd Avenue North

Wednesday: 3rd Avenue South/501 to 21st Avenue North

Thursday: 17th Avenue South to 3rd Avenue South (includes Hwy. 15 corridor)

Friday: 17th Avenue South to Southern City Limits

Rainy days and mechanical breakdowns will be made up with longer working hours the following day to catch up to the normal schedule. Mosquito spraying typically begins at 7:30 p.m., because most mosquito species are active between one hour before dusk and one hour after dusk. Spraying normally starts in late April and ends in October or when the first frost takes place.