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Myrtle Beach Mayor Brenda Bethune is extending the Emergency Declaration for COVID-19

Myrtle Beach Mayor Brenda Bethune is extending the Emergency Declaration for COVID-19.  The action automatically extends the executive order requiring residents and visitors to wear a cloth face mask at retail and food service establishments, as well as in public spaces at overnight accommodations and other enclosed spaces.  The Emergency Declaration is valid through December 31, and can be extended or rescinded, as needed. 

Executive Order 12B continues the requirement that customers must wear a mask in enclosed areas of retail stores, grocery stores, pharmacies, personal care businesses, professional services, gyms and fitness centers, among other locations.  Retail, restaurant and accommodation staff also must wear masks whenever they are in public areas or working with the public.  Failure to wear a mask when required is a civil infraction with a fine of up to $100 upon conviction. 

The City of Myrtle Beach thanks residents, visitors and businesses for following the mask requirement.