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Myrtle Beach is open

Yes, Myrtle Beach is OPEN -- contrary to some snarky post on Facebook which claimed otherwise in an attempt to be funny. We reported the post to Facebook as "false information," and the original has been removed, but people are still seeing it and asking questions. So, Myrtle Beach and the Grand Strand do welcome visitors who have travel plans in place or who wish to visit. Some events locally have been cancelled by their organizers, out of precaution or because travel restrictions in other places prevented participants from attending. At this writing, the Pee Dee Streetrodders' Car and Truck Show is still on for next Thursday through Saturday. It's an outdoor event, in the fresh air and sunshine. We are taking precautions, of course, as you should, too. We have listed those precautions several times on this page and elsewhere. Again, the post about Myrtle Beach being "closed" is NOT true. Please use your best judgment, as always -- especially with things on the internet.